Quotable Quotes by @CousinCoug

“Scattergories. The bane of my existence.” – Dec25th
“Love how Park’s BBQ shortrib recipe influenced Mozza’s! http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/22/dining/22mozza.html?_r=1&ref=dining” – Dec22nd
“Guilty RT @Boobs4Food: Someone started snoring during the couples massage… LOL.” – Dec18th
“Shits and giggles last night watching Too Short, Eazy-E and NWA videos…while making corn dogs!” – Dec11th
“All my fav Christmas songs playing at Ranch 99 but [...]

Cousin Coug’s Corner: April 2010

Let’s all send @CousinCoug & her pooch Biggie Smalls some love.

Biggie is heading into surgery soon. We wish him a happy & speedy recovery. Come back and follow us as @CousinCoug chronicles Biggie’s recovery process. Even dogs need tender love & care, and a healthy diet too!
The vet has prescribed boiled chicken & rice [...]

Quotable Quotes by @CousinCoug

In case you missed out this week. . .

“Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots!” Feb 1st 7:01pm

“Everyone should eat out more often.” Jan 31st 2:37pm

“Proud of myself for making healthy choices @ SFO. Fruit, granola and yogurt instead of burger and fries.” Jan 29th 6:57pm

“Thinking about warm brownies and mint chocolate chip ice cream.” Jan29th 6:36pm

“Slutty [...]

An Evening with Cousin Coug

Pasta. I love pasta.
I’ve had pasta a million different ways. In my homemade beef noodle soup. Lovingly coaxed into an elegant yet rustic form at Flour+Water. Even in it’s most refined form, at restaurants like French Laundry and Marea. And through all of these culinary experiences, I got to thinking about the beauty of this [...]

Cousin Coug’s Corner… coming soon

Stay tuned for Cousin Coug’s delicious bites of food, restaurant & hunger wisdom.

penis advantage the venus factor