
2009 in Boobs4Food Eats: Spring (click for recap)

The walk up rue de la Tour d'Auvergne to Spring

The walk up rue de la Tour d'Auvergne to Spring

A quick photo op before other guests arrive

A quick photo op before other guests arrive

seaweed flecked Bordier butter, "beurre aux algues"

seaweed flecked Bordier butter, "beurre aux algues"

panko crusted blood sausage

panko crusted blood sausage

a peek inside the delicately fried blood sausage

a peek inside the delicately fried blood sausage

Chef Daniel Rose and his sous chef prepares a dinner for 16

Chef Daniel Rose and his sous chef prepares a dinner for 16

suprême de pintade (guinea fowl) on ginger purée fresh almonds & arugula

suprême de pintade (guinea fowl) ginger purée fresh almonds & arugula

Apricot, Fresh Berries & Butter Cake

abricot, fresh berries & a moist butter cake for part one of dessert

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